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"Positive emotions, Sunshine mentality" network group counseling successfully concluded
2022-12-10 01:41  

During the epidemic,Students may have a series of stress reactions,Such as nervousness, anxiety, irritability...These emotions further affect physical and mental health,To improve students' positive emotions, subjective well-being and mental health level,The Psychological Counseling Center held "Positive Emotions" on December 6, 2022, 18:30-21:10,"Sunshine Mentality" online group counseling。

In this group, from the perspective of positive psychology, Teacher Zhang Li made students learn how to cultivate positive emotional experience, explore and make good use of character strengths through elaborately designed eight exercises: feeling grateful, keeping a diary, setting goals, simplifying life, accepting imperfections, embracing emotions, exercising properly, and getting enough sleep。For each exercise, the students were actively involved, and all showed positive cognition and emotions in the exercise. For example, in the first exercise "grateful", almost all the students mentioned "grateful to the Party, grateful to the government, grateful to the medical staff for their great contribution to the fight against the epidemic.。"I am grateful to the school leaders and teachers for their dedication to the students during the epidemic.。"I am grateful to live in China, which is safe, harmonious and stable, much better than foreign countries.。"I am grateful to my parents for their upbringing。”

Positive emotions can enhance an individual's sense of self-identity and happiness, and help an individual to study and work more actively, more easily and more effectively。Positive emotions can expand the scope of individual attention, enhance individual openness to new experiences, and promote individual creativity, problem solving and decision-making efficiency。This group counseling has made the students gain a lot in the cultivation of positive attitude. As long as the students can apply the skills learned in the group counseling to their daily study and life, they will form a positive cognition, gain more happiness and get a happy life。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012