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2014-09-06 09:31  


Chinese name: Lincoln  

Foreign name: Lincoln

Directed by Steven Spielberg

Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis

Movie plot

The film follows Lincoln's political team of "Four Tigers" Attorney General Edward Bates and Secretary of State William H.Seward, Secretary of War Edwin M.Stanton, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Lincoln in Chase's eyes, these people were once Lincoln's presidential contenders, but later were inspired by Lincoln's strong personality charm and became his right-hand men。The story revolves around the Civil War, during those difficult days, in the face of various pressures, Lincoln and his team managed to win the war and unify the United States。

Film evaluation

When this movie came out before,I keep thinking how is Spielberg going to make this movie,Because as a good director,To take on one of the great men of this country,Take a good picture,It's very difficult not to lose your directing style,And Spielberg did not disappoint,Like the German author Emil Rutwijk in his biography of Lincoln, Spielberg does a perfect job of showing us the ordinary and the great,The real Lincoln in the halo。

The story of the film began four months before Lincoln was stabbed, with the 13th Constitutional amendment to abolish slavery as the main line, in the history of the United States, Lincoln can be said to be a mythic figure, as big as the statue on Capitol Hill, as small as the five-dollar bill, are engraved with the legend of this great man。The richness of his early life and his accomplishments as President of the United States cannot be fully captured in a movie,So I think Spielberg is pretty smart about that,The last four crucial months of Lincoln's life are the story of the film,In terms of narrative, Spielberg does not film this figure who has been mythologized countless times in American history in a kitsch way,But while carefully shaping the great man's extraordinary achievements,One side let us see his most ordinary and most human side,Turns out Lincoln had problems of his own,It turned out that he would compromise with the Democrats for his own political ends,He would put his arms around his son and lie on the ground with him,She would lash out and then immediately regret hitting her son,He will also leave his own tears when his wife begs,From the ordinary, we can see the great man as a husband,Selfless service to the country as a father,In front of the people,He is a peaceful and approachable old man,He was also a resourceful man when dealing with politicians,In the film, the large depiction of Lincoln's family and the accurate grasp of Lincoln's emotions make Lincoln's character more real and obvious,And no longer the untouchable divine being,At this point, the audience will have a strong sense of inclusion in the viewing experience,In Spielberg's footage,Lincoln is a screen figure who looks a little fragile and old,Lincoln had been worn down by years of war,His stooped figure and soft voice were far from the traditional image of a great man。Before Lincoln was stabbed at the end, he went to Ford's Theatre and his bent back really showed us the real Lincoln under that halo,Spielberg's bottom-up approach eliminates the need to lecture audiences on history in a sterile way,But let the audience more deeply and actively experience the greatness and truth of this great man Lincoln,But this film speaks to someone who is not very familiar with American history,Plot details are difficult to grasp,There are parts of the story that aren't even fully understood,But there is no denying that this film is another brilliant work by Spielberg,It is a rare classic in biographical films!

An admirable film that shows Lincoln at his truest under a halo。

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