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The Shawshank Redemption
2015-02-20 07:22  


Chinese name:  The Shawshank Redemption

Foreign name:  The Shawshank Redemption

Other translations:  刺激1995(台),Dark moon flying high (Port),Hell promise

导    演:  Frank Darabont

编    剧:  Frank Darabont, Stephen King


Movie plot

The story takes place in1947Banker Andy is accused of shooting his wife and her lover and is sentenced to life in prison, which means he will spend the rest of his life in Shawshank Prison。瑞德1927He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and was paroled several times without success。He became a member of Shawshank PrisonAuthority figureAs long as you can afford it, he has the means to get almost anything you want: cigarettes, candy, alcohol, even marijuana。Every time a new prisoner arrived, there was a bet on who would cry the first night。Red thought that the frail, bookish Andy would cry, but Andy's silence cost him two packs of cigarettes。But it also made Red look at him differently。

For a long time, Andy did not contact anyone, while everyone complained, he took a very leisurely walk in the yard, just like in the park。A month later, the first thing Andy asks Red to build for him is a small pickaxe, explaining that he wanted to carve something to pass the time, and that he had managed to escape the routine checks himself。Before long, Red was playing the chess that Andy had carved。After that, Andy made a painting of Rita.Hayworth's giant poster was on the cell wall。

Once, Andy and a few other prisoners go out to work, he overheard the prison officer talking about the tax。Andy says he has a way to get the prison officer to legally waive this large amount of tax, and in exchange, he gets two bottles for each of a dozen of his inmate friendsTiger啤酒。Over a glass of beer, Red said he felt free again for the first time in years。

Thanks to Andy's knowledge of financial systems, he soon got rid of the heavy manual labor in prison and the harassment of other perverted prisoners。Soon, the well-known Andy began to deal with tax problems for more and more prison guards, and even the children's education problems came to him for advice。At the same time, Andy has gradually become an important tool for Shawnke Warden to launder money。Because Andy kept writing to the governor, he finally got a small amount of money for the prison library。Prison life is very informal, always have to find something to do。Andy heard that Red used to like playing harmonica, so he bought one for him。After the dead of night, the melodious and faint harmonica could be heard echoing through the prison。

Andy's peaceful life in prison is broken by the arrival of a young prisoner: the prisoner has heard about Andy's case when he served in another prison before, and he knows who is the real murderer!But when Andy asked the warden to reopen the case, he was refused and was severely punished for two months in solitary confinement。And in order to prevent Andy's release, the warden has designed to kill the insider!

Faced with the harsh reality, Andy became depressed。One day he said to Rhett:If one day, you can get parole, you must go somewhere to fulfill a wish for me。That's where I had my first date with my wife, digging up a box under a big oak tree there。Then you'll know what it is, okay。That night, the wind and rain, thunder, has been the soul of the redemption of Andy escape success。

Every day for twenty years, Andy had been digging a hole with that little pickaxe and covering it up with posters。Andy after being released from prison, took part of the prison long black money, and reported the truth of the warden corruption and bribery。What the warden found in the safe where he kept the ledger was a Bible Andy had left behind, the first page saidThe way of salvation is in itIn addition, there is a hollowing out section in the Bible to hide the pickaxe for digging holes。

Red is freed, he finds a box of cash under an oak tree, and the two old friends are finally reunited on a sunny beach in Mexico。

Film evaluation

A long road to freedom, a deep cleansing of the soul, an immortal inspirational classic, "hope" follows God's will to sleep in the hollowed out pages of the Bible, attached to Andy's tall body, prostrated in500Yards down the drain, finally, the only dirty road that took Andy to a Brave New World。This desperate and heavy journey of redemption comes from the infamous Sharkcastle prison, from the original work of thriller master Stephen King, and from the hard work of philosophical director Darabont。The Shawshank Redemption brings everlasting sincere friendship, indomitable soul casting and endless fire of fate。

Hope does not need enthusiasm, enthusiasm of hope is just a casual impulse in the depths of the soul。In prison, when the process of life can only be measured in time, any high enthusiasm can only helplessly raise their hands to disappointment, fatally accept the fate of the arrangement。Only people with a clear heart can see the absurdity of life, otherwise, people can only be wronged and helpless in the face of injustice, angry and violent in the face of oppression, rotten in the predicament, or even lonely and hopeless in the ordinary environment。

Cowardice imprisons the soul, and hope can feel free。A strong man saves himself, and a holy man saves others。


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