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2022 Outstanding Psychological Committee Member: Zhang Bing
2022-11-07 16:53  

Japanese 212 ice

The title of class Psychology Commissary since August 2021

Seriously carried out the study of peer psychological counseling, in view of the excavation of self-ability, privately carried out courses to cooperate with psychological work

Presided over four class meetings, one offline and three online.

Received the mooc Psychotherapy Certificate with full marks

During the epidemic period, the students actively dredging the psychological state of the class was unanimously recognized。



1 Anti-AIDS class meeting


2 Class reading


3 International Day of Happiness theme class meeting


Experience sharing:

The heart committee is a position that can get along well with the students in the early stage. We do not need to act as a "manager", but a "defender" and "dredge".。The nature of the work determines that we should have active communication with classmates, so as to better carry out the work。

For the class meeting, the heart committee often has to do a lot of preparation work and consult relevant materials to ensure the accuracy of their language and knowledge, so as to give full play to the maximum effect of the class meeting。I also used my own good way of explaining,In addition to the basic knowledge displayed on the ppt,It also conveys to the students the way of communication that we should respect others,To me, a qualified psych board member,In addition to ensuring the mental health of the entire class,I also want to spread some ideas to my classmates,And then they also learn how to take care of other people's psychology, right,To the best of my ability,Make a small social impact。

The following are some problems and solutions I have encountered in the work of the Heart Committee。

1. At the beginning of school, I am not familiar with my classmates, so it is difficult to carry out heart-to-heart dialogue

In the early stage of enrollment, I should actively participate in various group activities within the class, and strive to actively express myself in the activities to improve my presence in the hearts of classmates。And actively help students, starting from small things。For example: remind students to submit homework and materials, etc., in life as much as possible to help students。

2. Address homesickness common among first-year students

I think homesickness is the most helpless psychological problem, but it can not be ignored, because it is easy for students to spend college life negatively, which is very bad for students' physical and mental health。Therefore, the class committee will use the class activities during the holidays to increase the sense of community while weakening the students' homesickness。And for some important emotional students during the holidays will send some small gifts (Christmas socks,Snacks) to make students feel warm,Thereby alleviating negative emotions,If the economics allow it,You can also send your best wishes to key students during the holidays,Or contact other class committees to start a festival activity。

1 Christmas presents for classmates

3. The number of class personnel is too large to carry out careful care

For this problem, we should actively keep in touch with each dormitory leader. In view of the situation that the dormitory leader cannot write the dormitory situation in detail on the psychological feedback form, it is recommended to directly communicate with the dormitory leader in private to obtain the real news of classmates, so as to carry out timely psychological counseling Establish a good friendship。Actively communicate the atmosphere of the dormitory。To ensure the students' life and study smoothly。


4.Confidentiality after communication

 Strictly improve the confidentiality system, After the conversation, even delete the corresponding chat records and send the deleted screenshots to the students to ensure the privacy of the conversation and strengthen the students' trust in the heart committee

Finally, I am grateful for this position,Let me feel the warmth of human communication,I enjoy these exchanges that help my classmates,And I am very grateful that my classmates are willing to call me "Ice sister" for their affirmation of my work,I will continue to fulfill the responsibilities of the heart committee in the future work and live up to the recognition of classmates and the school!






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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012